LEGO’s Atari 2600 Set Is An Expensive Blast From The Past

LEGO’s Atari 2600 Set Is An Expensive Blast From The PastLEGO’s Atari 2600 Set Is An Expensive Blast From The Past

Retro Gaming is a very popular hobby, attracting viewers to events like Portland Retro Gaming Expo. Thus, there is the main resurrection of the game console and classic emulator, and it is not uncommon to see people issuing their old CRT TV to play it. Brands -brand like Lego also does not leave money on the table, and you can often see such brands with new products such as Lego NES kit (a kind) mimic the experience of a classic console which is part of many young consumers. It seems that there are no signs of this trend to slow down or stop in the near future, and Lego has come with another award for the classic in the form of a new Lego Atari 2600 set.

If you are not familiar with Atari 2600, it is probable because preceding the era when the game console has a controller – that’s true, 2600 is an OG Atari home console released in 1977 which came packaged with joystick to play games like “Space Invaders Space Invaders” and “” Asteroids “. It is not quite popular or successful like the Nintendo entertainment system, but is praised by critics as a “original video game machine,” the title (via NYT) which talks about the giant role of 2600 in preparing the framework for one of the most popular entertainment industries in around. Not surprisingly, some games that are more rarely developed and released for the original Atari 2600 are still circulating at astonishing prices, including copies of “Air Raid” which sells for $ 31,000 in 2010.

Kit Lego Atari is a cool collector item, not a video game system

Announced on July 19 in a partnership with the maker of Lego Mcveigh brick, the upcoming Lego Atari 2600 set seems to be a replica of the original Atari console that you will get together, brick by brick, with your own two hands. Which said, even though he came with a controller and three games, it seemed more than a toy that you can play than the real video game console.

The Lego NES kit mentioned above features a fake TV screen with a default mechanism to turn on certain games such as the replica “Super Mario Bros.” and it seems that Lego or 2600 has the same function. It seems, after you finish the Lego console, you can appear in one of the three cartridges of the game that are included – “Centipede,” “Adventure,” and “Asteroids” – and then you can put one of the physical 3D game rendering into the enclosur in the section on the console. After the joystick controller is connected, it seems like you can really control some pieces of games that are included in physical games.

Maybe it won’t satisfy gamers who are looking for the latest emulation hardware, but it can really be called collector goods that can make any game space a little fantastic. Set Lego Atari 2600 will be available from the Lego website and at Lego -Toko Stores on August 1 at MSRP $ 239.99.

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